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The UMA Motorcoach Travel PAC gives UMA Members, committed to the future of the bus and motorcoach industry, the opportunity to speak with “one voice” by contributing to candidates (on both sides of the aisle) on Capitol Hill who are supportive of UMA’s mission, vision, and values.
Federal campaign law permits only UMA Members that have completed an “Authorization to Solicit” to view our PAC contribution page.
The UMA Motorcoach Travel PAC operates in full compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) quarterly public disclosure reports with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Contributions are capped at $5,000 annually for each person. All contributions must be personal funds. Corporate donations are not permitted. By entering information on this page, you are acknowledging the personal nature of the funds being contributed.
Personal checks only may be mailed to:
UMA Motorcoach Travel PAC
2034 Eisenhower Ave, Suite 247
Alexandria, VA 22314